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The Meaning Behind the Tattoo

So back in December, I was experiencing an extremely bad episode of depression. It left me on edge and seriously contemplating on taking my life. That next day I woke up with it still on my mind. So, I talked about it and I concluded that I was going to live and not die. The rest of the day I was like I need a reminder that says something to me and only and me so when I see it I know that I am doing this for myself and not others. I knew at that moment that it couldn't be materialistic because I would lose it, since I lose everything. That's when I knew that I was going to get my first tattoo. I knew that I wanted a tattoo since high school, but I never knew of what. I am not the type of person to get something permanent without a meaning behind it. So, I got this:

The heart signifies love

The semicolon signifies to continue

The 29.11 stands for Jeremiah 29:11 which states "For I know the plans that I have for you" -- this is the Lord's declaration -- "plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." HCSB

I got this because it gives me peace and understanding, that yeah life gets hard, but you are stronger than you think so keep fighting because you choose to live not to give up. This was my BEST decision in 2018 to get. Remember you are NEVER alone I am always on standby! Do NOT let your mental illness get the best of you together can conquer the world and uplift each other on the way!

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