Hey Sol Warriors! Happy Thursday!!
How are you today?
This week's topic is Self-Love.
Today's topic is "Letting Go of Negativity".
When we were growing up we were told that we had to accept whatever was given to us and accept it. We weren't able to speak our minds growing up because that was considered talking back. But while doing that we have been trained to let people talk to us any type of way and accept whatever.
Now it is time for you to rethink and change your way of how you view love.
Do NOT allow someone to:
belittle you
talk negatively about you
curse at you
gas light you
make it seem as if its always you and not them
never apologize for their actions
take control of you
ignore you
not listen to you
These are just a few of the things that you should not allow others to do to you. It is time for you to start taking a stand and understand that you are a person with feelings. You deserve the same amount of respect that you give others! Do not let someone tell you otherwise. If they cannot hear you out and respect your wishes then let them go! That goes for friendships, business partners, jobs, relationships, everything. You do not have to be subjected to such negligence in your life because they do not want to own up for their actions.
“Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.” ― Robert Tew
Why? Because they were only here for you to be in your life for a season not a life time. When you grow a tree you grow from the roots up and the roots are in the ground for a reason. They are in there to make sure that you are grounded that you are getting the things that you deserve and that you are taken care of the best way that fits you.
As always you can reach out to me by text at (225)341-1672, by email at info@apprhohensive.org, or by DM @apprehenlife on Instagram and/or Twitter.