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New Year, New You, & a New Look on Apprehensive

Hello good afternoon!!

I hope you all have had a wonderful week, this week. There is a few changes I would like to inform you about. The first change is when you go on the site, it is now a new look. To get to your favorite blogs and to read other blogs you will now have to click the "Blog" tag and that's where you will find all of the tabs like, "Finding You", "Vogue", etc. Also you can now comment on post as well. So tell me what you liked and didn't like or what helped you and what you did differently.

The second change that is going to be happening is that every month I will do a quote of the month. I want us to feel empowered in doing our daily task and also the things we've been planning for quite some time now.

The third change that I am doing is that starting next Monday you will receive an email from every day of the week. I have themed each day as something different and I would love to receive you feedback on whether you all like it or not.

The fourth change is that I have added a members only section. So we can all connect with each other and talk each other than me just talking to y'all. I have started our own little community. You all have became apart of me and I want y'all to know that over the last 3 years this has been a wonderful experience and I only want to connect with y'all even more, and talk about different things that are affecting us in society today.

If you would like to know about different topics please feel free to comment below or even email me if you would privacy at

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