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Motivational Monday

Updated: Sep 15, 2020

Hey Sol Warriors!! Happy Monday!! How was your weekend?

Today's topic is more of a discussion question. Who motivates you to do better or who motivates you to want to do better for yourself?

Once you asked yourself those two questions who comes to mind? Why do they come to mind? What do you do when they motivate you to do better? Are there certain steps that you take to get to those things?

"You never know how or when you’ll have an impact, or how important your example can be to someone else." Denzel Washington

When someone motivates you to do better, we seem to see the light. But at times that light comes and goes. We need to make sure that light stays there no matter how hard times get. We need to keep the momentum of it going. DO NOT ever give up on yourself! If someone sees greatness in you then you start to look for that greatness in yourself as well!

As always you can reach out to me by text at (225) 341-1672, email at, and through DMs on Instagram/Twitter @KYYllinEm.

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