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Fantastic Friday

Good morning, afternoon, and/or evening Sol Warriors!!

Cheers to the freakin' weekend!!

Happy Good Friday!! Happy Easter Weekend!!

Today's topic is about "Healing from Trauma"

Trauma is everyone's least favorite thing. Everyone experiences some type of trauma in their lifetime. Everyone's trauma looks different as well. The only way you will be able to heal from your trauma is if you are ready to do so yourself. Some of the ways I deal with my trauma is by writing it out and talking about it. You are not your trauma and once you understand that your trauma will not have so much power over you.

Healing is like an onion. As you process through one layer of trauma to release the pain and heal, a new layer will surface. One layer after another layer will bring up new issues to focus on. Pace yourself. Only focus on one layer at a time.”―Dana Arcuri

Here are some tips that you can try to heal from your trauma:

  • Be around people

  • Get a support system

  • DO NOT rush the process

  • Understand your triggers

  • Talk about the situation

  • Love yourself

  • Seek counseling if needed

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! If you aren't with your family call or facetime them and let them know that you love them! I will be back on Monday with your Motivational Monday!

As always if you will like to reach out and contact me you can text me at (225) 341-1672, email me at, or DM me on Instagram/Twitter @KYYllinEm

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