So as you all know my good friend, my sister, Schell, and I are doing a vlog on mental illness called "F**k Me & Make It Worst." It is about mental illness and how it affects us and how we crave sexual intercourse while dealing with it. Now if you know us you know that there are times where we are high living off life and other times where we can be complete assholes and not talking to nobody. This vlog is going to express most of everything that we dealt with, dealing with, and how to deal with it.
Sooooo let me tell you little about my girl Schell. Schell is also a blogger, like me, she focuses more on mental illnesses and how to cope with it. If you are someone you know has a hard time dealing with it I highly suggest subscribing to her blog and her asking her for help. Although she is not a medical professional, she is willing to help anyone in any way possible. "As usual I would like to remind you guys I am not a licensed mental health professional or physician. I am simply a girl with a blog interested in improving the health of those in seek of alternative assistance/knowledge/outlet. Usually, along with help, you are already receiving from a professional or possibly motivate you to receive help from professional resources. I am an independent health advocate and I am willing to research and refer you to services in your community with your consent if you're interested" (Michelle)
My favorite blog post thus far that Schell has written is her most recent one because I felt it on a personal level than anything. It talks about dealing with mental illness while dating. Dating with mental illness can be a struggle on both ends, and takes a someone who cares and wants to help you to be there for you in the long run. Check out Schell's Blog post "Dating with a Twist! (Mental Illness and Dating)"
There are never any wrong answers when coping with mental illness. Everyone has different ways of coping with it. You never know somebody you are sitting next to may just be dealing with the same exact thing that you are dealing with right now. So if you are struggling with anything from depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, etc. PLEASE contact someone or even me to get the help that you need. You are not alone! There are people here who would LOVE to help you in any way possible!
Schell's blog is
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